Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Oh HELL no.

In the span of twenty four hours, I have come to a startling yet NOT extremely scary conclusion, I was scared when it hit me, but in the duration of the epiphany appearing in my head and now, at 10.53 pm, it doesn't seem so bad.

Proof first, then hypothesis.

I've been telling the boyfriend to clean up while cooking his instant noodles, so much as asking him to throw the tastemaker sachet and noodles packet while it's on the gas, boiling. I mean, it makes sense, right? Why wait till you're satisfactorily full and in no mood to clean anymore?

In between my manic OCD phases where I basically clean his room till it sparkles, whenever I've sent him out of the room for an errand I always ask him to accomplish another task while he's there. For example, "go get the dustbin from the kitchen...oh and while you're there just fill a bottle of water and bring it back for me." This leads to an argument about me being a slavedriver, and I say the words I have heard many times before from someone else who shall remain nameless till the end of this post: "Time and motion study, it's logic. Why make two trips when the tasks can be finished in one?" Response: death stare and some incoherent muttering of words I know are not nice.

Currently doing a dye-ing course in college, so my hands have been orange tinted for days (shall post pictures of tiedye pieces soon :D)...and I've realised that trying to make sure everyone cleans up equally really doesn't work, and I end up saying stuff like, "if you made the mess, you clean it up."

I've turned into my mother.

What flashbacks. She says exactly all these things and more to my sister and I.


Love in fright,

 p.s. happy holi and all. I might just stay home and finish my portfolio. sigh. such is life.


  1. Haha you know at times SOMEBODY'S got to be the grown up! =P

  2. Screw OCD, bring in the dye-ing course photos :D

    1. Haha.. Yes! the dye-ing course photos!!!

    2. HAHA yes yes yes they are on the way.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM


  4. Hmmm...I'm not sure how to react. But I know you're smart enough to find your solution on your own. In fact,the last thing you want from a post is solutions,as far as I can tell.
    P.S.Can't wait for the tie and dye pictures! Soon!

  5. Haha! I find it so ironical that your mother tells you the same things despite you already being OCD. :P

    Or does your OCD come forth only when she's not around?

    1. It's a being-away-from-home thing. When I'm home, I want to not be OCD because...well let's face it, im home after ages so I want to chill the fuck out and not care. And my room is always clean at the end of the day thanks to her, so it really doesn't hit me as much as when I'm HERE, and no one but me is responsible for the mess (or lack of) in my room. THAT's when the OCD really becomes a problem :P
