Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fight or Flight

I get the urge sometimes to be a completely new person, to fall in love with new things and different people and go to places I haven't discovered with strangers who love adventure as much as the alternate me. I want to find happiness in things I haven't even tried yet and leave behind everything I know and fall into a void of vagueness and blind faith in the unknown. To divorce comfort and create memories out of brand-new shiny experience.

Sometimes I get an intense want to be different. To not know and care about the people and things I do,  in a fleeting moment of curiosity of what it would be like to not be the me I am.

Other days I'm very happy being me.



  1. I couldn't connect more. Every. Damn. Word.

  2. The urge to be different. I know the feeling.

    1. Yeah, it took over me for a bit.

  3. Sometimes I think this is the only way to truly live. Only by stepping out of our comfort zone, do we learn more about the way the world is.

    Currently I'm having a Lot of brand-new shiny experiences. :D

    1. good for you :)

      im going to become a planet explorer
