Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Love On Top

-I woke up with such hopes today but they've all gone to shit.I got unnecessarily angry with everyone for reasons unknown, then tried to make up for it, but it didn't work.

-I tried to work without stressing but that didn't happen either.Stress used to push me to work and do a pretty decent job, but in the last few weeks it's been only detrimental. One a.m. stress-induced crying and serious instances of self-doubt are constant friends.

-I also realised how much of a hypocrite I can be on most days. I get mad about everything without any real purpose but if someone else is also having as bad a day as mine and is behaving as irrationally as I have been for weeks then I cannot stand it.

-I need something to make me feel good. Good habits need to be cultivated. Starting right now.


p.s. check out Priyanka's new header that I designed over HERE. If you like it, and you like my headers too and want one for your blog, shoot me an email at kanika.kaul22@gmail.com. However, I will not work for free...I'm open to any sort of gifts. Haha.

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